Tuesday, 13 July 2021

How To Add UPI Payment Gateway In Ecommerce Website


Hi guys, Today we’re going to see how you can add the UPI payment gateway to your ecommerce website. Let’s say you have an ecommerce website and on the checkout page, you want to give your customers a way to make payments using UPI apps... like google pay. 

You can do that easily by Reading this article. So after reading this article You’ll be able to add a UPI payment option to your checkout page, And if a customer wants to purchase a product, they can scan this code on their UPI app, to make the payment. And once they make the payment, you will receive that payment on your bank account, linked to your UPI app. 

Okay! Now all you need to have, to follow this tutorial is an e-commerce website. So let’s get started, I’m Vaibhav, And let’s add the UPI payment option on your website. 

Step - I Install Plugin

So to add UPI option to this site, We’re going to do 2 steps. The first step is to Install the UPI plugin in WordPress. So to install the plugin, Let’s go to our WordPress dashboard. Now go to plugins, And click add new, Now search for a plugin called UPI  And you’ll get this plugin, This is the plugin, which is going to help us add the UPI payment option on our site. So to install the plugin, Just click install and then click activate So now we’ve successfully installed the plugin.

Step- II Set Up Plugin

Once you’ve installed the plugin, We can now go to the final step, Which is to set up this plugin. Once you set up the plugin, the UPI payment option will be added to your website. So to set up the plugin, Just click settings here. And then scroll down. Now here you need to enter the UPI Id where you want to receive your payments. So to get your UPI Id, Let’s go to our UPI app. Now let’s say your UPI app is google pay, So let’s open it, Now to get your Id, Just click here, And As you can see, we’ have got our UPI Id Once you get this Id Just type it in this field. 

So now When a customer makes a payment, you’ll receive that payment to your bank account, which is linked to this UPI Id. Okay, now here you need to choose whether you want to collect the upi address of your customer or not. So to make it easier for customers to make the payment, Just click ‘hide’. Once you’ve done that, Just scroll down, And then click save changes. So now we have we’ve successfully completed setting up our plugin.

Once you’ve set up the plugin, The UPI payment option will be added to your website, So To check that, Let’s go to our checkout page, Here you can see that before we did not have the UPI payment option. Now if we click refresh, You can see that we have we’ve now got the UPI payment here. So Now to complete the purchase of this product, fill up details, And to make the payment using UPI, Just select UPI, And then click proceed to payment, And it’ll take you to a page. Now to complete the payment, Your customer needs to scan this code on their UPI app.

So just like a customer would do open your UPI app, And then scan this code, And as you can see, we have got the product amount here, along with the order id Now if we click pay, You can see that the payment has been made. 

Now if you take your mobile, You can see that we’ve got the message saying, The money has been credited to our bank account. So this means we’ve successfully received the payment from the customer. Okay So now if a customer goes to our site, And clicks proceed, And then clicks confirm, You can see that the order has been placed successfully. 

So this is how your customer scan order your products, using the UPI payment option. Now if you go to your Inbox, You can see that we’ve got an email about the new order. And also your customer will get an email So now if we go to our customer’s inbox.

You can see that, we have got an email Now if you open this mail And here as you can see, they have a message saying the order is still on hold And your customer will now have a doubt whether their payment has been sent or not So in order to notify your customer that you have received the payment You need to change the order status on your website Before we change it, Let’s check whether we have received the payment from our customer. 

Okay, so once the customer has made the payment If you open your UPI app, Here you can see, a new name has appeared, Now if you click it, You can see that we have we’ve received the payment and you can see the order number here. Okay, Once you have received the payment. 

You can now change the order status So let’s go to our dashboard Now go to ‘woo-commerce’ And click ‘orders’ Here you can see the order using the UPI payment Now to change the order status just change the status to ‘processing’ And click ‘update’. Now your customer will receive another email from your website. So let’s go to our customer’s inbox We have got the email, Lets open that And as you can see, the order is being processed. So now you can start delivering the product to your customer.

Purchasing a product from mobile

Okay, so this is how you can add an UPI payment option on your ecommerce website. Now !... Let’s say your customer is visiting your site from their mobile. And they want to purchase this product, How will they pay, using their mobile phone? 

So next, let’s see how your customers can purchase a product from their mobile, using the UPI payment option. To purchase this product, All they have to do is Just click add to cart, Now click proceed to checkout, And here You can see that we’ve got the same UPI payment option, So now to purchase the product, All they have to do is, Fill in these details, Now to make the payment using UPI, Just select this, And click proceed, And you will get this page. 

Now to complete the payment from their mobile, All they have to do is, click ‘pay through UPI’, And it will open the UPI app, Now if they click ‘proceed to pay’, You can see that the payment is made, And they’re back on our site, Now if they click proceed, You can see that we’ve successfully placed the order. This is how your customers can purchase a product on their mobile using UPI. 


So that’s it, guys, Now you know how you can add the UPI payment option on your ecommerce website. Now if you want to learn more about WordPress, you can Click here

Thanks for Reading. I will see you in the next Article. Take care. Bye-bye.  

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Saturday, 10 July 2021

How to Create a Multilingual WordPress Site (Translate site into multiple languages)

Hi, guys. Today, we’re going to see how you can make your WordPress website multilingual. Let’s say you have a website,  And, you want to give your visitors an option to view your site in their preferred languages. You can do that easily by reading this Article. So, after reading this article, You will be able to add a translate option on your website. 

Now, when someone clicks on it, they will be able to choose a language, and your site will be translated to their preferred language. Okay. I’m Vaibhavs, and let’s get started. 

Step - I

We’re going to do 2 steps. The first step is to install the GTranslate plugin in WordPress. So, to install the plugin, go to your WordPress dashboard. Now go to Plugins, and click “Add New.” Here, search for a plugin called “GTranslate.” And, you will get the plugin. 

Now, this is the plugin which will help us translate our website into multiple languages. So, to install this plugin, click “Install Now.” And then click “Activate.” Now, you have successfully installed the GTranslate plugin in WordPress. 

Step - II

Okay. So, once you’ve installed the plugin, We can go to the second step, Which is to add the translate option to your website. Once you add this option, Your visitors will be able to choose and view the site in their your preferred language. So, to add the translate option, Just click “Settings,” And here, select the languages in which you want your visitors to view your website. 

Okay. Now, once you have selected the languages, Next, you need to choose where you want to display the translate option on your website. So, to choose that, Just click here. Now, if you want to display then translate option on your menu, Select “Primary Menu.” And, click “Save Changes.” Now, the translate option will be added to our website, And our visitors can easily view the site in their preferred languages.

Now, you can see that you have got the translate option on your site. Now, if a visitor clicks there and selects a language, You can see that your site has been translated to that particular language. Okay. This is how you can make your WordPress website multilingual. And let your visitors view the site in their preferred language.

How to add translate option to Footer ?

Next, let’s see how you can add this translate option  to your footer section. So, to add the translate option to the footer, Go back to your WordPress dashboard. Now, go to “Appearance” Then, click on “widgets” and it will take you to a page. Here, you can see the footer section. Now to add the translate option to your footer, Just drag this “GTranslate” widget, and drop it here. And as you can see, The "GTranslate" widget is added Now, Click "Done" and the translate option will be added to your footer section. Now, if we go back to your site and click “Refresh,” You can see that you have got the translate option in our footer section. And, the visitor can change your site’s language by clicking there. 

So, this is how you can add the translate option to your footer. So, now you know how to make your WordPress website multilingual. 

Automatically Translate

Next, let’s say a person from France wants to view your website, Now, by default, their browser language will be French. But when they visit your site, it will be in English. Now, instead of making the visitor select the language as French manually, What if you want to automatically change it to the visitors preferred language which is french? So, next, let’s see how you can automatically translate your website to the viewer’s browser language. So, to do that, Let’s go back to our plugin settings. Here, we have an option to automatically switch our website to the browser language. So, let’s click here to enable the option. And then, click “Save Changes.” Now, the visitors will be able to view your site in their default browser language. 

Now, let’s say a visitor who has French as their browser language wants to visit your site. Now, if they go to their browser, And enter our domain name, You can see that our site has been automatically translated to French, without selecting it manually. So, this is how you can automatically translate your site to the viewer’s default browser language. 

How you can display languages in their native names

Okay. Next, let’s see how you can display the languages in their native names. So, to display the languages in their native names, Let’s go to our plugin settings. Now, select this option toshow the native language names. And then click “Save Changes.” Now, lets go back to our website and click “Refresh,” Now if we click here You can see that the languages are displayed in their native names. 

Add country flag next to Languages

Okay. Now, to make this option more clear and user-friendly, We can display the country flags next to the language names, like this. So, to do that, Let’s go back to our plugin settings, And, go here Now, to display the flags, Just select this option And then click “Save Changes.” 

So now the flags will be added next to the language names on our translate option. So, to check that, Let’s go to your website and click “Refresh.” Now click there And, you can see that the flags are displayed next to the language names. And, it makes the option look more clear and user friendly. 


Okay. So, that’s it, guys. This is how you can make your WordPress website multilingual. Now if you want to learn more about WordPress, you can Click here 

Thanks for Reading. I’ll see you in the next Article. Take care. Bye-bye. 

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Friday, 9 July 2021

How To Add Login & Signup Page Before Checkout

Hi guys today, we're going to see how you can add a login and sign up page before checkout on your e-commerce website. Let's say you have an e-commerce website, now if a customer wants to buy this product And adds it to cart And clicks proceed to checkout, it'll take them to a checkout page. Now, instead of showing the check out page, you want your customers to be taken to a log in page. Where they can login or create an account on your site to purchase your product. You can do that easily by reading this Article. So after reading this article, when a customer clicks proceed to checkout, it'll take them to a log in page,  now when they enter their details and click login there'll be taken to a checkout page where they can complete their purchase. So let's get started. I am Vaibhav And let's add the log in page on our ecommerce website. 

Step - I

We're going to do two steps. The first step is to enable account creation on your website. Once you enable the account creation, the signup form will be added to your site. So to enable it. Let's go to our WordPress dashboard, then go to woocommerce and click settings, now click Account  Privacy  And it will take you to this page.  Now to allow your customers to create an account in your website. just enable this option. 

Once you've done that  just scroll down And click save changes. So now we have successfully enabled the account creation. Once you have enabled it Next, let's go to step two, which is to install a plugin. So to install a plugin, let's go to plugins And click 'Add new' now here Search for 'woocommerce force authentication'. And you will get the plugin. Now, this is the plugin, which helps us to add the login and the sign up form before the checkout. So to install the plugin let's click install and then click activate. So now we've successfully installed the plugin. And our login page will be added to our website. So to check how it works. Let's go to our site. 

Now, let's say a customer wants to buy this product and adds it to the cart. Now, if they click proceed to checkout  you can see that they're taken to our account page. and now If a customer wants to complete the purchase, they need to log in or sign up on your site. Now let's say the customer already has an account on your site. So to complete the purchase, all you have to do is just enter their details and click login. So once the customer has logged in, you can see that we have now got our checkout page. 

So now your customers can go ahead and purchase the product from your website. Okay. So this is all your existing customers can log in to your site  before checkout and complete the purchase. But what if a customer does not have an account on your site How can they complete the purchase? 

Step - II

Next Let's see, how new customers can purchase your product. So let's go to our site. Now, let's say a customer wants to purchase this product. and adds it to cart. Now if they click proceed to checkout, you can see that we have got login and sign up page . now to complete the purchase Instead of logging in the customer can create an account using this sign up form. 

So to create an account, just like a customer would do let's fill up these details and click register. As soon as you click register, your account will be created. And as you can see, we now have a checkout page  much I got paid. So now your customers can go ahead and purchase the product. Okay So this how new customer can create an account and purchase the product from your site. 

Now, let's say you want to change the look of your login and sign up forms  and have a different style like this, which looks more attractive. How can you do that? So next, let's see how you can change the look of your forms. 

So to do that first, do we need to install a plugin So to install the plugin, let's go to our WordPress dashboard, then go to plugins  and click add new now search for login signup popup And you will get this plugin. This is the plugin, which is going to help us change the Look of our forms. So to install the plugin, let's click install it and then click activate. So now we have installed a plugin. Once you have installed the plugin. Let's go back to our site. Now, if we click refresh, you can see that we have changed the look of our forms. If you want to change the button, color of this form like this, you can do that by going into the plugin settings. So let's go to our WordPress dashboard. Then go to login signup, popup and click settings,  now click style and it will take you to this page   Now, if we scroll down And as you can see, we have options to style of your form. You can change the color from here. 

Okay, So that's it guys. This is how you can add the login & signup page before checkout on your WooCommerce website. Now if you want to learn more about WordPress, you can Click here

Thanks for Reading. I'll see you in the next Article. Take care. Bye-bye. 

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Thursday, 8 July 2021

How To Create A slider in WordPress

Hi guys, I'm Vaibhav. Today we'll be showing you how you can create a slider, in WordPress. So, after watching this video, you'll be able to create different types of sliders like a compact slider or a full screen slider. So, make sure you Article  this Article till the end to see, how you can do it. So let's get started. 

We're going to do this in 5 steps.

Step - I

The first step is to "Download the Slider Plugin" which is going to help us create our slider.

Step - II

 Okay, so now the plugin will be downloaded to your computer Once it's downloaded We can now go to step 2, Which is to Install, this plugin on our website So to install this plugin let's go to our wordpress dashboard and go to plugins and click "add new" Now click "upload plugin" And drag and drop this file 'here' and it will be selected Now let's click "Install now" And 'activate plugin' Okay! so now the plugin is installed on our website And Once it's installed, you'll see this new button, called "Smart Slider" So once you've installed the plugin, it's time to 'create' your 1st slider.

Step - III

So to create the slider let's click 'smart slider' Now, here we have 2 options to create our slider The 1st option is to create a slider manually And the 2nd which is the faster option is to choose a slider design from 'the template library' So to make the slider faster, let's click template library And, here you'll find a lot of designs for your slider Now, if you want to see only the free designs You can click here and it'll show you only the free designs And if you want to see more premium designs, you can click here, and it will show you the premium ones.

So first, let's try the free designs. So we'll click "free" Now if you want to see how the slider will look like just click it And you'll see, the preview of how the slider will look on your site. Now if you like this slider, and you want to add it to your site just close this click "import" to bring the slider into our site Okay! So now, the slider, has been imported, into our site And you can see that we have these 3 slides in the slider Now if you want to see a preview just click here And you can see how the slider looks like So now we know, how to create a slider.

Step - IV

Next let's go to step 4, which is to Add the Slider to our Website So to add this slider to our website Let's close this and then go to our site, by clicking 'visit site' Okay, so this is the site, which we created in our previous video In order to add the slider to your website, all you need to do, is to go to the page, where you want to add the slider And then click edit with elementor Now the elementor plugin will help you to create pages. 

So, once you creating pages using elementor you can add your slider to the page So let's say you want to add the slider, to your home page Just click home And click "edit with elementor" And it will take you to this editing section Now go to the place where you want to add the slider, and click the 'plus' icon And here you can see that wehave the smart slider element So let's drag this element and drop it, here And it will ask you, to choose the slider that you want to add So we'll select the slider which we created and That's it! 

You can see that the slider has been added to our page So now, to save this you just have to click 'update' and then view the page by clicking here So as you can see we have successfully added, the slider to our homepage So, now we know how to create a slider and add it to a page 

Step - V

Next, let's see how we can edit this text and this image on the slider Okay So to edit the slider let's go to 'smart slider' And then go to edit and click the name of the slider, that you want to edit Now here you can see that we have these 3 slides So, to edit any slide, just click edit And it will take you to this "editing section' Now, if you want to change this text Just click it And then change the text here So you can change "any" text the same way. 

Now if you want to change the link of this button You just click it And change the link here And you can also change the name of this button by typing your text here So, once you're done you can close this And now, if you want to change this image Just click it And then select the image And then drag and drop your image So once you're done with the changes you can save it by clicking 'save' And all the changes will be saved So now let's view the site, by clicking here And you can see that the slide has all the changes we made So, this is how you can add slider to your wordpress site.

Now if you want more designs for your slider Just go to 'smart slider' and click 'dashboard' And then go to template library again and choose 'premium' to get much better designs than we saw in the free ones So for example, you can geta slider, like this one! So if you like any of the pro sliders you can get it by purchasing the pro version here So when you buy the pro version, you'll be able to get all of the sliders listed here This is how you can add sliders to your wordpress site.

So, that's it guys. Now if you want to learn more about WordPress, you can Click here. I'll see you in the next Article Take Care Babye :) 

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Wednesday, 7 July 2021

How to create a custom form in WordPress

For the many users that are new to WordPress every day, creating forms on your site can be intimidating. Thankfully, creating a form in WordPress doesn't have to be hard. In just a few simple steps, we'll show you how to create a simple, yet powerful contact form in WordPress.

Here's how to create a WordPress contact form:

1. Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.

2. Install a form plugin for WordPress.

3. Create a new form.

4. Add fields to your new contact form.

5. Embed your form in any page.

If you want any help then please leave a comment and if you want to know how to create a couston form in blogger just contact us.

Now if you want to learn more about WordPress, you can Click here

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Tuesday, 6 July 2021

How to Upload your website

Hi guys. Today we're going to see how you can upload your Website To the Internet. So let's say you have built your website on your computer. And you have these files. Now if you open this file. You can see that we have our website. So now here you can see that right now this Website is stored locally on a computer. Now if you want to get this website live on the Internet. You can do that by watching this video. So now all you need to have to follow this tutorial is your Website files. So once you have your files ready we can all get started. 

So we are going to get this Website online In just four steps. 

Step - I

The first step is to choose your website name or domain. Okay, Now choose any name you want. And then enter it here. 

Step - II

So once you get the name you can go to the next step which is to Get your hosting and domain. So hosting is a place where your Websites files will be stored And domain is your website's name So to get this domain name and hosting Just scroll down this page. And click get hosting. Now this will take you to GoDaddy.com. Where we're going to get the hosting and domain So to get it. Let's click get started. Now entered the same name which you selected before. and click search. Then click select and continue. And now it will take you to this cart page. Now to get the domain and hosting. We need to create a new account. So let's click here And then fill up these details. And click create account. Now here you can see that we are getting our domain Which is shoespaw.com and our hosting. Now both of these are going to be valid for one year. So this means once you place this order Your website will be live on the Internet for the next one year. 

Now let's go ahead and make the payment. Just choose your payment method Enter your details. And then click save And then complete the purchase. Okay so now we have successfully made our payment And we have got our domain and hosting. So once you've got your hosting and domain You can go to the next step Which is to set up your hosting account. 

Step - III

So once you set up your hosting account You'll be able to upload Your Website files. So to set up your hosting account. Just click here. And click setup. Now click next And then again next. Now skip this step by clicking not now. And then click finish. So now we have set up our hosting account. So let's click go to dashboard. So once you set up your hosting account. You will reach this page called The C panel. So this is a place where you can control your hosting account. So once you reach this page. You can now go to step four. Which is to upload your website files to this hosting account. 

So once you upload the website files. Your website will be live on the Internet. So to upload uploaded files. Just click open next to file manager. And then click the public html folder. Now this is the place where we are going to upload our website files. Now we have a few sample files here. Now before we upload our files. Let's delete this sample files So to delete it. Let us first click select all. And then click delete. Now click confirm. And all the files will be deleted. So once you deleted these files You can now upload Your website files. So to upload our files Let's open the folder which has our html files. 

So these are the website files which I am going to upload. Now before uploading you website files. Make sure your homepage is named as index.html So once you have these files ready instead of uploading them one by one we are going to compress them into one file. So to compress it Lets select all the files And then right click. And go to send to. And click compressed file. And now you will get this zip file. Which will have all your website files. Now to upload this zip file Let's go back to our hosting page and then click upload here. Now just drag this zip file from your computer and then drop it here. The file will be uploaded to your hosting account. And once this is done If you click go back. You can see that we now have our zip file Now to complete the upload. 

We need to extract all of our website files from this zip file. So to extract the files Just select the zip file. And then click extract Now click extract files. And now if we click close. You can see that all of our website files are now extracted. Now as soon as you extract the zip file Your website should now be live on the internet. So to check that lets open a new tab. So now if we entershoespaw.com And press enter. You can see that our Website is live. So this is how we can easily upload your website to the Internet. Now if you ready to upload your website Just click here And it will take you to the page which we saw in the first step. Which is choosing your website name. So just choose your website name and then upload your website. 

Now if you want to learn more, you can Click here

Thanks for Reading. I'll see you in the next Article. Ba-Bey. 


Sunday, 4 July 2021

How to move local WordPress website to live

Today, we're gonna see how you can move wordpress from your Local Computer to a Live Website. Hi guys, I'm Vaibhav, Now, In our previous Article, I showed you, how you can install wordpress locally on your computer. Now if you want to move that local wordpress site to a live website you can do that by following the steps that I show you in this Article. So, once you get your website live, anyone will be able to access it, just by going to your website address.

Now, to get this website live, we're gonna do it in just 2 Parts! 

Part - I

The first part is to setup a new wordpress site on a web host So, to get our website live we need a hosting account which provides a space, for storing our website's files on the internet. 

So, the domain name is your website's address which people can visit, to go to your site So, I'm going to search for 'tryshirts.com' which is the name of my website and then click 'search' and, as you can see, the domain name is available so let's click 'select and continue' and it will take you to this cart page So you can see that we're getting our domain, and our hosting. Now, both of these are going to be valid for 1 year So to complete the purchase Let's click 'register' and, I will quickly fill this up and click 'Create account' Now let's add the payment method Enter the details and click 'next' Now click 'complete' to make the payment and it's done! 

Okay, so now we've completed the payment & we've got our domain & hosting Next, we need to Install Wordpress on our hosting account So to install wordpress, let's click 'Add site' and then click 'Get started' Now just select your domain and click 'next' then again click 'next' and now you need to enter a username and password for wordpress you will need this to login into wordpress. 

So I'm gonna enter my name and password and click install Okay, so wordpress is installed Now let's click 'Get started' and then click 'No thanks' and 'Ok' As you can see, wordpress is now installed on 'tryshirts.com' So, once youinstall wordpress your website will now be. Live So let's check that, We're gonna go to our browser and then type our domain name So, I'm going to enter 'tryshirts.com' and press enter As you can see, the site is working and it has this default wordpress content.

Part - II

Okay! So, now let's go to the Final Part of this tutorial which is to bring-in the content, from the local site to this live website Okay! So to move the content from the local site to the live website, We're going to do 3 things, First, we're going to install a plugin on both of our websites Then, using the plugin we're going to export the contents of the local site into a file Then finally, we're going to bring that file, into our live site So first, let's install the plugin on the local site So, let's go into our localhost dashboard and then go to plugins and click 'Add New' Now, search for 'All in One' and then install that plugin So, let's click 'install' and 'activate' 

Okay, So the plugin is installed on the local site Next, we're going to install the same plugin on our live website So, let's go to the wordpress dashboard on 'tryshirts.com' And then go to plugins again click add new then search for 'All in One' and click 'install' and activate Okay! So, now the plugin is installed on both of our websites 

So, now we can go to Step 2: Which is to Export the Content of our Local Site So to export the content of our local site let's go to our localhost dashboard And then go to 'All in One WP Migration' and click 'Export' Now click 'Export to' and file Now click 'download' And the content will be downloaded into a file and then click close Okay! So now, we've got the content of our local site into a file So, now we can go to the final step, which is to import this file into our Live website So, let's go to our Live Site's dashboard Then, go to All-in-One WP Migration and click 'Import' Now click 'Import from' and click 'file' Now, choose the file which you've downloaded and click 'open' Now click 'Proceed' to start the import and then click 'close' and it's done! 

So, all our local site content has been imported into 'tryshirts.com' So, let's check that We'll go to 'tryshirts.com' and reload the page So, you can see that all the content has moved to our live site So, this is how you can move your wordpress site from your computer to a live website Now, if you want to login to your wordpress site Just add '/login' after your site's address, and press enter Now to log into wordpress, you need to use your localhost's username & password So just enter the login details of your local site, and then click login Okay! So now you can start making changes to your website and all the changes will appear on your live website.


There you go! This is how you can move wordpress from your local computer to a live website. So, that's it Guys! Thanks for Reading this Article.Now if you want to learn more about WordPress, you can Click here

I'll see you inthe next video Babye :) 

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How to remove Header arrow " --> " From Blogger.

In today's time, there are many bloggers and web developers in India. Everyone does their best. And also provide Quality Content as well. All Content Creator uses different platforms. Like Blogger, WordPress and along with it there is a platform everywhere. Today's article is for those people who create content in Blogger.

Many bloggers use Free Template in their website. And in this free template, sometimes there are many problems. Today I am going to tell you about one such problem. I have jumped face to face the problem which I am going to tell today. Some bloggers must have had this problem somewhere.

When you create a website in Blogger, you get an arrow in the header of the website. Will tell about that error. If you also get this kind of error then you will know in this article how to fix it. Below you will find a code. You have to find those codes in your Theme. Below I am going to tell you about how to do it.

If you are getting the same error as you are seeing in the above image, then you remove the code given below from your theme. Below you will find a video, in that video you have been told about how to remove this code from your theme.

You will not find a solution to this error on the Internet. Today I am going to give you all the information in this article.

If you are facing this kind of error in your website, then you have been told below about how you will fix it.

Sometimes this type of error does not come immediately after applying the theme, but after some time or when you apply for Adsense then you will get this kind of error.

How to Fix --> Error From Blogger

First of all go to your Blogger Dashboard and go to edit Html. Now click anywhere on source code and press "Ctrl + F". Search For the Given code Below.
And Replace full line code by <head> only. That's all folks it's that easy. Now Go now and correct your website.

Now if you want to learn more about Blogger, you can Click here

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Saturday, 3 July 2021

How to Take a Backup of a wordPress Website??


Hi guys i'm Vaibhav. Today, we're going to see how you can take a backup of your website. Okay, so first let's see. What is the backup? Backup simply means saving a copy of your website on a particular date and then keeping it safe after you take a backup, let's say you keep making changes to your site and one day your site suddenly stops working What do you do in this situation? How do you recover your site? If you have a backup you just have to restore that backup and your site will be working again Now after you restore the backup your site will look exactly as it was when taking the backup So we highly recommend that you always take a backup of your site so that you never lose your work Okay guys, so this is how backup works.

Okay. So let's get started. Now if you want to back up the site you need to do three things The first thing is to install the backup plug-in on your site. So to install the plug-in. Let's go to our dashboard And then go to plugins and click add new Now search for a plug-in called updraft And  you'll get the plugin now, this is the plug-in which we're going to use for backup Install the plugin. Let's click install And activate. And you can see here that the plug-in has been installed So once the plug-in is installed we can now take the backup so to take a backup click settings And then click backup now Now make sure all of these are selected and click backup.

That's it we have now taken a backup. if we go to tab. You can see the back up which we just took So this is how you can take a backup of your website.

Now, how do you use this backup? 

Okay, so there are two situations where you might need to use your backup Let's take the first situation Let's say by mistake you change something on your site and you want to go back you You can use your backup to go back to a previous time So let's try it out. I'm going to go into pages And let's say I delete the homepage Now if I go to the site and click refresh You can see that our homepage is gone now if you want to destroy the homepage, all you have to do is go to updraft click restore And select the backup, which you want to restore Now choose all the options here And click restore to restore your site Now if we go to our site and click refresh You can see that we have got our home page again So this is how you can use the backup to restore your site So now you cannot always remember to take a backup every time.

So let's say you take a backup today and after two weeks of working on a site your website crashes You will lose all of the changes which was made during those two weeks. So to avoid this we can set up a schedule which will take a backup of a site at regular intervals By doing this our sites content will always be backed up without having to backup manually. 

So let's go to part 2 of this tutorial.

Where we see how to set up an automatic backup So to set up automatic backup, let's click settings under updraft And then let's go to the Settings tab So here we need to choose how often do you want to take the backup So I recommend you choose weekly in both of these places Then set this option to four and four Now this setting will take one backup every week and it'll keep that backup for four weeks So this means you will always have the backup for the last four weeks Okay So next we need to choose where we want to store our backups So app draft gives you different places where you can store your backup.

I'm going to choose Google Drive as my storage And then scroll down and click Save As soon as you click save updraft will ask you to link your Google account so that it can store the backups there So to link it, let's click here And it'll ask you to sign into your Google account, so we'll click here Now Google will ask for your confirmation. So let's click allow And it will take you to this page so now let's click complete to finish the linking And now Google Drive account will be linked to updraft Means all your backups will be safely saved to your Google Drive. So the automatic backup setup is now complete And you can see that the first backup will be taken on this date So if we go to this page here Over time we will get more and more backups which are the backups for the last four weeks So now our site will be backed up automatically and it's safe from crashes.

Now after we have these backups what if our site crashes? and when we try to reach the admin area. What if we are not able to access it? So next. Let's see how we can use our backups to recover a crash site. So in order to recover a crash site we need to do three things.

First we need to remove the old WordPress installation which has now crashed.

Step two We need to make a fresh WordPress installation on the same domain Then finally we can restore the website using the files we have in our Google Drive So to recover our crash site we are first going to remove the current WordPress installation Okay, so to remove it, let's go to our web host So I have my hosting with GoDaddy, so I'm just going to go there And then click sign Now in order to remove WordPress, I'm gonna click manage all And then click these three dots and click remove Now go ready we'll ask you to confirm So I'm gonna type reset And click remove And the crashed WordPress site will be removed Now once the old site has been removed we can now restore our site 

So let's go to step two of recovering a crashed website, which is to reinstall WordPress on the same domain So to install a fresh wordpress site, let's click Add site And let's quickly go through the setup process which will install wordpress so we'll click get started And then choose your domain Click Next And then again next Now keep a username and password for the new WordPress site and click Installed Okay, so now a new WordPress site will be installed on your domain so once it's done we can click get started And then skip this by clicking 'No thanks' and okay So you can see that we are now back on our WordPress dashboard and WordPress is now working!! 

Before we are not able to access the site but now we have a working WordPress dashboard Now before we restore our files from the backup, let's see how the site looks now so to see the site let's go here and click Visit site And you can see that we have the default WordPress site So now it's time to restore our files from the backup So to restore the files, we need to install the updraft plugin on this new WordPress site So to install updraft let's go to our dashboard You and then go to plugins and click add new Now search for updraft again And click install and activate. 

Okay, so now the plug-in has been installed on our new website now to restore our site let's go to settings And now if we go to existing backups You can see that there are no backups here Now, how can we fix this? Because we installed updraft on a new WordPress site. It is no longer linked to our Google account. So to help the plugin find the backups. We need to link it to the same Google Drive account, which we used before So to link the Google Drive account, let's go to settings And then choose Google Drive And then scroll down And click Save Now when you click save like we saw before the plugin will ask you to link your Google Drive account So let's click this link And choose a Google account And click allow.

Now to complete the linking let's click here And Google Drive is now successfully linked to the plugin Let's check the backups. So let's go to existing backups And now if we click rescan remote storage You can see that we have got the backup which was stored in our Google Drive Now to restore our site all we have to do is click the store Select all the items here and click restore That's it our website should now be restored so check it let's go to a site which is here And you can see that this was a default site which was there before now if we click refresh You can see that a sight is restored with the same content you Okay, so everything is done so that's it guys This is how we can take a backup of your site and then restore it when you need it Now you know in WordPress you get frequent updates for your plugins and themes And there is always a chance of breaking your sight when applying an update Now if you want updraft to automatically take a backup before updating any plug-in or theme. So I hope this Article helped Thanks for Reading i'll see you in the next Article.

Now if you want to learn more about WordPress, you can Click here

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Friday, 2 July 2021

How you can sell digital products on your e-commerce/WordPress site?


Hi guys. Today we are going to see how you can sell digital products on your e-commerce site. Now first let's see what our digital products. So, a digital product is just any product  which comes in a file format. for example, a book or an audio file which you have prepared. So these are called digital products. Now let's say you have a book, Which is in PDF format. And you want to sell this book on your website. You can do that easily by Reading this Article. So after watching this video, You will be able to sell any digital product On your website. And once a customer purchases this product. They'll be able to download it from your website. So all you need to have to follow this tutorial is an e-commerce site.  So once you created your e-commerce site you can then follow this tutorial.

So let's get started we are going to do this in just two steps. 

Step - I

So the first step is to create your digital product. So to create your digital product, Let's go to our WordPress dashboard. And then go to 'products'. And click 'add new'. Now first let's enter our product name. 

As I'm going to sell an e-book. I'm going to enter my product name as WordPress Beginner's Guide And enter the price of your product. Now as you can see right now this is a regular product. Now in order to make this product into a digital product, You need to enable the downloadable option. And now this product will be changed to a digital product. And you can see here that we have got a new section where we can add our product file. So to add our product file, click 'Add File'. Now again enter the name of a product here. And to add the product file, click 'Choose file'. And then drag and drop your file from your computer. 

Now as you can see your file has been added here. So let's scroll down. And here you can give an explanation about your product So once you have added these details. Next let's add an image of our product. So just click set product image. And then drag and drop your image. And as you can see your product image has been added. So once you have added all the details. Now to add this product to your website, Just click 'Publish'. And now this digital product will be added to your website. So now if we go to our website. And go to store. You can see that we now have a digital product. Now if we click it. You can see that it can now be purchased from our store. So this is how we can create a digital product, On your e-commerce website.

Step - II

Okay So next let's try buying this product and see what happens. So now if you click 'Add to cart'. You can see that it is asking for the shipping address from your customer. Now since this is a digital product, which can be directly downloaded from your website. 

It is not necessary for customers to enter their address here. So next let's see how we can remove these address fields. So to remove these fields we are going to install a plugin on our WordPress site So to install the plugin, let's go back to our WordPress dashboard. Now go to 'Plugins'. And click 'Add New'. Now search for 'digital goods' in this box. And you will get this plugin. 

Now this is the plugin which is going to help us remove the address fields for digital products. So to install the plug-in let's click install. And then click activate. So now the plug-in has been installed. So once you have installed the plugin. Now to remove the address fields, Just click here. And it will take you to this page. Now as you can see These are the fields which we have on our checkout page. And now we need to select the fields Which you want to remove from your checkout page. Now since we want to remove all of these fields. let's click select all. And all the fields will be removed. 

Now if you're using the Instamojo payment method on your website. Make sure you deselect this option. So once you have selected the fields you want to remove. Click save settings. And now if you go to our checkout page. And click refresh. You can see that all the address fields have been removed. So now let's continue with the purchase Let's fill up these details. And click place order. 

And now if you make the payment. You can see that we have successfully completed the purchase. And now we have a new download option where we can download the product. So if we click this button. You can see that the product has been downloaded to our computer. So this is how we can sell digital products on your website. Now if you see here You can see that the Downloads remaining is set as infinity Which means once a customer has purchased the product, They can download it as many times as they want. Now what if you want to limit the number of downloads available for your customer. You can do that easily by setting a download limit. 

So next we are going to see how you can set a download limit for your digital product. So set a download limit let's go back to our WordPress dashboard. Now go to products. And click all products Now let's open our product. And if you scroll down. You can see that we have a download limit option. So here you can set the limit for the number of downloads. So let's say you want your product to be downloaded only twice. Just enter two here. And once you have set the limit Just click update. Now if we go back to our order page. And click refresh. You can see that Under 'Downloads remaining' It says two. 

So this means your customer can only download this product twice. So let's try it on loading this product. If we click download twice. You can see that the product has been downloaded two times. And now if you try to download this product for the third time. You can see that we are getting a message saying, 'you have reached the download limit' So this means your customer will not be able to download the product again. 


So this is how we can set a download limit for your digital product. So that's it guys this is how you can sell digital products on your e-commerce site. Now if you want to learn more about WordPress, you can Click here. Thanks for Reading. I will see you in the next Article! Bye...Bye 

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How to get Free SSL For your WordPress Website!

Hi guys welcome to my blog!! Today we're going to see how you can get a free SSL for your wordpress website. 

Now if you go to your website and you see this not secure message on your browser It means that you do not have SSL. Now if you want to change this message into the secure lock symbol You need to get an SSL for your website, So this will make your visitors to trust your website So let's get started.

We're going to get a free SSL in just five steps.

Step - I

The first step is to 'Create an account on a website called cloudflare'. This is a website which is going to give us the free SSL. So to create the account let's go to Coudflare And then click sign up Now enter your email And password And click create account.

Step - II

Okay so now our account is created Next let's go to step two, Which is to 'Add your website to this account'. So just enter your website name And then click add site, Then click Next Now select the free plan And click confirm Then scroll down And click continue Okay so now our website has been added to cloudflare.

Step - III

So next let's go to step three Which is to 'Change your nameservers' So we need to add these nameservers to your domain. So to add these nameservers You need to first login to your domain provider's website So to find out your domain provider Just click here And you can see that our domain is provided by godaddy So to add these nameservers First let's login to godaddy. So we'll open a new window And then go to godaddy.com.

Now click sign in And then sign in into your account So here you can see that we have the same domain which we added to cloudflare. Now to change the nameservers of this domain Just click DNS And then scroll down to nameservers And click change Now click here And select custom And now here you need to enter thedetails which is provided in cloudflare.

So let's go there And then copy the first value And paste it here Then copy this one And paste it Now click save So now we have successfully added the nameservers To our domain So let's go back to cloudflare And then click continue Now to check if the nameservers are changed Let's click recheck now And you will get this message And now if we click refresh You should see this green icon Which means your nameservers have been changed Now even if you don't see this green icon immediately You can still go to the next step And everything will work at the end of this Article.

So once you have added your nameservers You can now go to step four Which is to install the cloudflare plugin in wordpress. So to install the plugin let's go to WordPress And then go to plugins And click add new. Now search for flexible SSL And you will get this plugin Now let's install this plugin by clicking here And activate So now we have installed the cloudflare plugin in wordpress So once you have installed the plugin. 

Step - IV

We can now go to the final step Which is to 'Enable SSL in cloudflare' So let's go back to cloudflare And then click this lock icon Now scroll down to Always Use HTTPS And turn it on Now as soon as you turn this on Your website will now be secured with SSL So let's check it Now if you go to your site You can see that before we had this not secure message But now if we click refresh You can see that we now have the lock And the HTTPS Which means we have now got the SSL So now if you click here You can see that our browser says The connection is secure Now if your site didn't load properly Just wait for a few minutes And then load it from a different device It will work after a few minutes Okay guys so this is how you can get a free SSL for your wordpress website.

Now if you want to learn more about WordPress, you can Click here

Thanks for Reading I'll see you in the next Article Ba-bye!!

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Thursday, 1 July 2021

How to make money from Google's New App Task Mate | Kaily

Google has as of late dispatched another application on play store known as Task Mate, which is as of now running on beta rendition. In any case, a couple of designers and analyzers can get to this new acquiring application. Yet in addition you access by means of a reference code ( Task Mate greeting code ). 

Through Google TaskMate you can bring in cash by taking reviews, photographs, language interpretation, recording and nearly couple of assignments on your inclination. 

Subsequent to finishing each job you will be remunerated. In the event that you feel trouble to finish 

any assignment you can skip and go for the following one. 

At the point when your acquiring sum came to 10 USD then you can pull out that sum by means of your nearby ledger or through UPI ID. 

Presently how about we realize how to make a TaskMate account. 

Make your errand Mate account and get early access - 

To bring in cash on TaskMate, you ought to follow the given advances else you could get restriction from Google… .. along these lines, make certain prior to forbidding. 

Step: First of all visit play store and type Google Task Mate or snap on download here. 

Errand Mate account 

Step: After establishment open the application and snap on begin by entering your Gmail id. 

Step to enter email 

Step: Choose interface language from that point. 

Pick interface language 

Step: Again pick your ideal working language where language you wish to finish your job. Likewise, you can choose various dialects. 

Working language 

Step: Now you ought to enter a functioning greeting code to get access. Try not to utilize haphazardly else you get a boycott. 

Step: In request to continue further, kindly painstakingly read the agreements and hit Accept the understanding

Step: Now you will be coordinated to the dashboard where you can pick undertakings according to your advantage. Run board 

Here you will see two unique sorts of errands like Sitting and Field assignments. Select one and make your first USD. 

Regularly posed inquiries - (FAQ)

What kind of assignment will be given on TaskMate app?😕 

Taking neighborhood shop photographs, make an interpretation of one language to another, similar to English to Hindi, Recording spoken sentences, and checking shops subtleties. 

Would i be able to join without a greeting code?😕 

No, you can't join without a greeting code. Also, kindly don't attempt with irregular else Google group could hinder your record for 24 hours. 

What's the base withdrawal?😕 

The base money out is 10$ that is surmised to ₹750. 

You can cash out through any UPI like Paytm and SBI.

Now if you want to learn more about Online Earning, you can Click here

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World most affordable Android Mobile Phone!! | JioPhone Next With Google.

Its an obvious fact that the normal cost of cell phones is consistently expanding. In India, where under 50% of inhabitants own a cell phone, the moderateness of present day innovation is a glaring issue. The justification India's equivalently low appropriation rate is genuinely self-evident: Most specialists would need to spend numerous checks to purchase a cell phone, which the less affluent populace basically can't bear. The Mumbai-based broadcast communications organization Jio is working constantly to tackle this issue. 

Jio's answer is the as of late uncovered JioPhone Next, the apparently most reasonable Android cell phone in the whole world. According to a specialized perspective, this gadget shares almost nothing for all intents and purpose with well known lead telephones from Apple or Samsung. Despite the fact that the organization has not given itemized particulars of the JioPhone Next, the telephone allegedly includes a keen camera, a voice collaborator and an interpretation work. Besides, it's anything but a vigorously altered rendition of Android, which was uniquely worked by Google and incorporates large numbers of the most well known Google applications and administrations. 

The JioPhone Next is relied upon to be delivered in the not so distant future, and shockingly there are plans to sell the spending gadget in a bigger number of nations than just India. The terrifically significant cost of the most reasonable cell phone has not been declared, yet the archetype's cost of 1,999 Indian Rupees (about US$27) gives us a good guess of how much the telephone will cost. In correlation, Apple sells the standard iPhone 12 in India for 79,900 Rupees (US$1,074).
Now if you want to learn more, you can Click here
